We immensely appreciate the award, says Jiří Škvor from Caritas Czech Republic on receiving the Medal of Merit in Diplomacy from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
November 16, 2023 News

We immensely appreciate the award, says Jiří Škvor from Caritas Czech Republic on receiving the Medal of Merit in Diplomacy from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

On the 17th of November, Caritas Czech Republic will receive the Medal of Merit in Diplomacy from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavský. This exceptional recognition is awarded to personalities and organisations that have significantly contributed to the development of foreign relations between the Czech Republic and other countries. In the following interview, Jiří Škvor, Head of the Humanitarian Aid and Development Cooperation Department, explains what this award means to Caritas Czech Republic and tells us more about the organisation’s work around the world.

Congratulations on receiving the Medal of Merit. Can you tell us how Caritas Czech Republic contributes to the foreign relations between the Czech Republic and other countries?

Thank you. Caritas Czech Republic is the second-largest Czech organisation providing humanitarian aid and development cooperation abroad. We help those in need in many countries, cooperate with local governments, and with a wide range of global and national donors. In many ways, it helps make the Czech Republic more visible. The organisation becomes part of diplomatic efforts that create smooth, productive, and strong ties between countries. The countries in which we work highly value the results of our activities. At the same time, we always strive for close cooperation with our embassies. Czechs and the Czech approach are well received abroad because they can be real partners to local organisations, companies, authorities, and the people they support.

What does the award mean for Caritas Czech Republic?

We appreciate the award immensely. It is a thank you to our entire global teams for their work and an assurance that their daily hard work and dedication to our goal are seen and appreciated. Their work is not only appreciated by their supervisors, donors, and in-country partners but also by the essential authority in the country where our organisation originates. 

Medal of Merit for Caritas Czech Republic

And besides, every award will of course help to raise the reputation of our organisation and attract attention. And recognition, together with respect for the results of our work, will help bring new opportunities. We are always excited about new opportunities; new opportunities mean new challenges, and we like challenges.

Caritas Czech Republic is recognised for its work in humanitarian aid and development cooperation. In how many countries does the organisation work now, and how do you decide whether to start working in a specific country or area?

We currently have registered branches in seven countries: Zambia, Iraq, Moldova, Georgia, Mongolia, Turkey (from where we coordinate our activities in Syria) and Ukraine.

In some countries, we establish offices based on a clear humanitarian need. Some other countries are priority countries for Czech foreign development cooperation. In general, Czech funding, either from institutions or small donors, is needed to launch the first intervention in a new country. Then, we can get funds from other, mainly global donors, and run our programmes on a large scale.

You have been the head of the Humanitarian Head and Development Cooperation department since 2017. What do you personally like about working at Caritas Czech Republic?

The most valuable thing for me is knowing that our work is meaningful and that we have helped and are helping many people in many countries to live better lives. Especially in development cooperation, we always strive to help people to help themselves. 

Let me share a typical story - a small farmer living in a refugee settlement in Zambia. To provide for himself and his family, he has to make a living, but at the same time, he has to overcome obstacles such as the changing climate and the drying up of crops he used to grow successfully. Caritas Czech Republic will provide him with the first sowing of crops specially bred to withstand the country's conditions. We will provide him training on how to grow them so that the production is as high as possible, we will help him join other small farmers to form a cooperative, and we will link the cooperative to buyers on the market. Their production is then much more attractive to buyers, especially when it has already been processed and has got an added value. We can also help them find ways to get a small loan so that they can multiply their production quickly. This is one typical story, but we have hundreds of them, and I am really happy about that.

Caritas Czech Republic received Medal from Minister Jan Lipavsky

Our help is not just about providing material aid. It is also largely about simply giving the person confidence. A message that we believe in their abilities. And that does not cost anything, but it often plays a critical role in that person's success.

Looking into the future, what are the next steps for Caritas Czech Republic to continue contributing to both improving people's lives and public diplomacy?

Caritas Czech Republic will continue on the course it has set. We are focused on global resources, working with many essential donors and actors such as the European Commission, many UN agencies, and national development agencies of various EU Member States. We are a trusted, well-proven partner for them. We want to continue to work in countries where there is a need and where we have something to contribute and offer. We are ready to learn from our mistakes and successes along the way. We want to continue to be a worthy representative of the Czech Republic in the countries where we operate and to do so with honour.

Thank you for the interview.

We can help people in need thanks to your support. Thank you for helping with us.