We want to spread a positive message through music, says a refugee music band in Zambia
September 20, 2021 News

We want to spread a positive message through music, says a refugee music band in Zambia

Caritas Czech Republic in Zambia helps refugees who have fled here mainly from neighboring countries due to violent conflicts. In Zambia, they often live in one of the large refugee settlements of Mayukwayukwa, Meheba and Mantapala, as well as in Lusaka. And it is in Lusaka where we have focused on supporting young refugees and opened youth friendly corners to offer the youth a place to spend time in a meaningful way. A music group called Strong Youths was formed in one of these centers.

Refugees are people too

“I am a humble guy and I love playing music. I also like acting. I want to tell others that refugees are also people and that we should love one another,” says David William, 23, who fled to Zambia from Burundi and is one of the founding members of Strong Youths.

David met other band members at the Chawama Youth Friendly Corner, which we opened in Lusaka. This space is mainly used to provide children and adolescents from refugee and host communities with a safe space where they can spend their free time and develop themselves. At the same time, young refugees are given the chance to participate in Zambian society and events in the local area.

Strong Youths in the youth center

Like many other similar centers, Chawama offers local youth psychosocial counseling and health care provided by health professionals trained to work with young people.

I want all the refugees to be able to return home

Deo Bikorimana is a 22-year-old refugee born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but his family is originally from Burundi. Today, Deo lives in Zambia and wants to study medicine. However, like many young people, he does not have enough money to study at university, so he currently works as an assistant in a shop. “I have one message for the world - I hope that the people who had to leave their country because of war will come back one day and help to rebuild their home,” says Deo.

Fabrice Mugisha, aka Bris, also sings in the music band Strong Youths. "I want to be a musician, it's my dream. I am determined to spread a positive message to people through music," says the young artist.

Meet the other members of the refugee band and listen to their song Together.

Photo and video credit: Michal Gálik