The most effective help is when it is not needed again
September 30, 2021 News

The most effective help is when it is not needed again

Caritas Czech Republic has launched a campaign that gives people a chance to help those in poor regions across the globe get on their own feet once and forever. In Caritas, we are aware that the most effective way of supporting people in need is to promote their independence and permanent solution of their situation. Therefore, we focus on securing sustainable livelihoods and shelter.

Get on one´s own feet

Many people in need have very limited options to permanently turn their lives around, and thus depend on humanitarian aid. Sometimes it does not take much and with a small initial support, these people can get on their own two feet. Just like Bunfinda, who fled the devastating war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, did.

After a distressful journey, he arrived with his family to the Mantapala refugee settlement in Zambia. “I needed to get on my own two feet and take care of my family,” explains Bunfinda. Thanks to a small grant and training, Bunfinda started his own small business. He makes and sells bread, and above that he sews clothes for people in the camp. He can now provide for himself and his family, and secure an independent and dignified life for them.

Mr Bufinda bakes bread in Zambian refugee camp

Not to give a fish, but to teach to fish

The amount of money provided every year for the support of disadvantaged regions is huge. In Caritas Czech Republic, we strive to make sure that all donations are used as effectively and meaningfully as possible. And it is the focus on teaching to fish rather than giving a fish that has proven as the best development strategy.

When we help people find a way to secure their basic needs independently, it means a permanent positive change in their lives. It also allows them to stay in the region they come from, and similar cultural background,“ explains Jiří Škvor, Head of humanitarian aid and development cooperation department in Caritas Czech Republic. ”Being independent, they will also not need further support,” he adds.

Everyone can help

There are many stories like the one of Bunfinda, and you can help write one of them a happy ending. Donate to Caritas Czech Republic international development work and give people in need a chance for a permanent positive change in their lives.

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